First Quarter: Internet and Blogs

          In the first few months of school, I learned a lot about the internet and how it's a big part of our lives. I found out that blogs are like online diaries where people can share their ideas and stories. I also learned about people like Tim Berners-Lee who helped make the internet what it is today. It was cool to see how much we use the internet to learn and talk to friends.

          Sometimes it was hard to understand all the technical words about the internet. It was also tough to stay focused on my work because I liked to play games and use social media. That made it hard to finish my schoolwork on time.

         To get better at managing my time, I made a plan for when I would study, play games, and use social media. This helped me stay focused and made learning more fun.

         In the next few months, I want to get even better at managing my time. I'll make goals for each study session and stick to my plan. I'll also keep learning about the internet and blogs so I can share what I learn with other people and become more comfortable using technology.


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