My journey in ICT this Second Quarter

 In our ICT class, I learned about HTML and the basic HTML tags. HTML is like the language of the internet. It helps us create and design websites. I learned a lot about HMTL Tags and Attribute this Second Quarter, I discovered that tags like <p> for paragraphs are used to organize information on a page.

At first, coding felt tricky because I had to be careful with every symbol and letter. But as I practiced, I immediately learned coding and I don't struggle that much anymore. It was a fun quarter, there are good memories and bond we made inside the computer laboratory. For me, I felt like this quarter was easy, I actually made an improvement. My scores in quizzes is more better than the previous quarter. 

This lesson taught me that coding takes patience and focus. I felt proud when my code worked, and I can’t wait to learn more about making websites. ICT is exciting, and I want to keep practicing to become better at coding. Even though I won't be taking IT but I still want to learn more about coding. I hope that I'll be better in the upcoming third quarter. I'm looking forward in learning more about HTML.


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